Dry Eye is a constant irritation, the feeling of lacking lubrication, itching, stinging, and red eyes. These symptoms can have a significant impact on a person’s day-to-day life.

Fortunately, we can take measures to avoid the problem, and if we are unlucky enough to develop it, there are several treatment options available.

What is Dry Eye?

Dry eye syndrome is a disease that occurs when a tear does not supply enough lubrication on the Eye’s surface. The symptoms of dry eyes can be severe to some and very mild to others.

Types of Dry Eye

The main symptoms of dry eye syndrome are dry or itchy eyes and if your eyes do not produce enough tears. Dry eye syndrome can occur in any gender, age, or nationality. The causes of dry eye syndrome are wide and varied. It is dependent on a person’s lifestyle and immune system. There are different forms of dry eye syndrome, such as aqueous dry eye syndrome and evaporative dry eye syndrome.

What is aqueous dry eye syndrome?

An aqueous dry eye syndrome is caused when faulty oil production glands do not produce enough lubrication in the eyes. The tears from your eye gland are a mixture of water, oil, and mucus. The body breaks down the oil from the glands into tears. If this process does not happen, you will experience dry, scratchy, irritated eyes.

What is evaporative dry eye syndrome?

Evaporative dry eye syndrome is caused when your eyes do not produce enough tears. Tears break down into water and mucus. The tears evaporate on the Eye’s surface without being replaced by more tears. If this process does not occur, you will experience dry, gritty irritated eyes.

Symptoms of dry eye syndrome

  • Dry, itchy eyes
  • Dry, gritty eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Frequent blinking
  • Frequent rubbing of your eyes

If you are experiencing the above symptoms, they might be caused by dry eye syndrome.

Causes of dry eye syndrome

There are numerous causes of dry eye syndrome. One of the most common causes is age. As we get older, our eye glands become less able to produce lubricant. This can cause our tears to become thinner and evaporate faster. Another cause of dry eye syndrome is genetic predisposition. Some people are more prone to experiencing dry eye syndrome than others.

Some medications can also cause dry eyes. Anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen cause dry eyes. If you are a contact lens wearer, wearing contact lenses for long periods can also cause dry eyes.

Other factors that can affect dry eye syndrome are lifestyle, climate, and humidity. Dry air can drain moisture from the eyes. Extremes of temperature, cold or hot, can also affect dry eyes.

How to identify if your eyes are suffering from dry eye syndrome

The best way to identify if your eyes are suffering from dry eye syndrome is by using one of the above testing methods.

Symptoms of dry eye syndrome can be a sign of some diseases. These diseases can be more severe than dry eye syndrome and can cause more serious eye complications. If you are experiencing dry eye syndrome and notice that you have other symptoms, it is important to see your doctor.

A few tell-tale signs can help you identify if your eyes are suffering from dry eye syndrome.

  • If you constantly rub your eyes, you might suffer from dry eye syndrome.
  • If you suffer from frequent dry eyes, you might be suffering from dry eye syndrome.
  • If you experience salty or oily water, you might be suffering from dry eye syndrome.
  • If you suffer from dry or watery eyes, you might be suffering from dry eye syndrome.
  • If you experience redness in your eyes, you might suffer from dry eye syndrome.
  • If you experience excessive watering of your eyes, you might suffer from dry eye syndrome.
  • If you suffer from eye allergies, you might suffer from dry eye syndrome.

How to treat dry eye syndrome

There are several treatments available that will help alleviate the symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

Artificial tears are eye drops that are specially formulated to moisturize the eyes. Artificial tears are also known as eye drops.

Artificial tears are the most economical form of treatment for dry eye syndrome. Artificial tears can be bought over the counter and are extremely easy to use.

Artificial tears contain various ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and petrolatum. These ingredients help to strengthen the tears and keep them moisturized.

If you have more severe symptoms, your doctor may prescribe you an anti-inflammatory treatment.

Anti inflammatory Eye drops help relieve the symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

Dry eye syndrome (DES) is a disorder of tears and glands that produce tears. Dry eye syndrome is most commonly caused by tears produced too sparsely or that are not of the best quality.

Although DES itself is not life-threatening, the discomfort and pain that it causes are. It can cause discomfort, irritation, stinging and soreness in the eyes.

Dry eye syndrome affects a large number of people worldwide. It is estimated that the incidence of DES has increased by 105% in the last 10 years, and the majority of cases are thought to be caused by environmental factors or anxiety.

Symptoms of dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome symptoms can vary from person to person and depend on the severity of the condition. The most common symptoms include:

  • Some redness or irritation in the eyes
  • A lot of tears leaking out of the eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Frequent eye-watering
  • Some form of pain in the Eye

Causes of dry eye syndrome

There are several different causes of dry eye syndrome. The cause of the condition can vary greatly between individuals. Common causes include:

  • Some medications
  • Dry air
  • Solar exposure
  • medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Aging
  • Environmental factors

Dry eye syndrome is known as “the invisible disease,” as most people do not notice anything wrong. This makes it a great condition to try to hide.


Treatment for dry eye syndrome will vary between individuals. For some people, lifestyle changes may be enough to alleviate the condition. This may include changing the temperature of the air in the room or changing the humidity levels in the room.

Individuals can also take supplements to help increase the production of tears and lubricate the eyes.

A doctor may also prescribe eye drops. These eye drops are designed to help increase the flow of tears.

In some severe cases, surgery may be required to widen the tear ducts. This surgery is usually done on patients over the age of 60.

If you have dry eye syndrome, the chances are high that you suffer from regular eye infections. Dry eye syndrome can cause your eyes to dry out very quickly. This can make your eyes more susceptible to infections.

  • It is very important to protect your eyes from infection. Eye infections can lead to irreversible damage.
  • General tips on how to prevent eye infections
  • Always wash your hands before you touch your eyes
  • Make sure your sunglasses have effectively blocked out UV
  • Avoid wearing contacts for an excessive amount of time per day
  • Use artificial tears to lubricate your eyes
  • Use eye drops to moisturize your eyes gently
  • Avoid smoking

If you have dry eye syndrome and wear contact lenses, you will need to change your lenses regularly. Contact lenses can dry out your eyes and cause infections.

Contact lens solution

If you have dry eye syndrome, you may need to use a special contact lens solution. Contact lens solution that helps increase the production of tears is specially formulated for individuals with dry eye syndrome.


If you have dry eye syndrome, then sunglasses are a necessity. Sunglasses help block UV from the sun. This allows your eyes to stay protected during the day.

Eye drops

Eye drops are specially formulated for individuals with dry eye syndrome. Eye drops help increase the production of tears.

Stress reduction

Stress can have a significant effect on dry eye syndrome. Stress can slow down tear production.

It is recommended that you reduce stress levels as much as possible. This will go a long way towards helping to reduce your dry eye syndrome symptoms.

In conclusion

Dry eye syndrome is not life-threatening. However, it can be very annoying and uncomfortable. It is recommended that you reduce your stress levels as much as possible to help reduce your dry eye syndrome symptoms.